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Do you take commissions?

How flattering of the hypothetical question-asker to ask! Even though it's very unrealistic that someone would ever ask me this, yes! DM me.

Did you make this website yourself?

Yeah lol

I like the Windows 95 thing, can you show me how to do it?

If you're my friend literally just ask me I'll give you the code and change the bg and colours so it's more aesthetic lol

How come this is the only window that scrolls?

I can't be bothered to fix it lol

What does the minimise button on this window do?

Nothing. Idk how to use Javascript

What is "MICHEFUCO"???

Say "Michel Foucault" really fast in a French accent

What's your Twitter @ from?

Dolokhov, this son of a bitch from War and Peace. He's awful, it's great

What is the Y2K aesthetic?

Stuff like this

Do you actually think this website looks good or is it ironic?

It's ugly in a nice way!

Are these questions actually frequently asked?

No, nobody ever asks me anything. I have never been addressed

Why is the spacing of the lines so big?

I can't be bothered to fix it lol

I don't agree with your political opinions, can I debate you?


How do I go back to your Twitter page?

Bro just hit the × button

